Wednesday 3 September 2014

Adventures in Altis: Arma 3 #1

So, as promised in my perspective post, here is a tale of great and hilarious adventure in my favourite Arma 3 multiplayer mode: Altis Life.
This mode is supposed to try and simulate a sort of 'Arma life' where you role play as a citizen of Altis (the main island of two in the game). However, as could be predicted, things are not quite as sophisticated.

My friends and I embark on a quest to find adventure and a few good laughs, and as always we are not disappointed. This screenshot montage will allow you to walk through our gametime as a citizen of Altis.

 First spawning into the main town of Kavala, where most of the shenanigans go down; we make our way towards the town DMV, where the car shop and market are located.
 The town square had changed slightly from the last time I'd seen it, introducing this female statue and a very annoying bell tower.
 As a few people were around but nothing going on particularly, we proceed to make our own fun. One of the past times my friend and I have on Arma is to start cult followings of various things. Lately we have been praising the God-Player Martinez, the bringer of music; but this statue has presented us with a new opportunity. 
 We begin to proclaim the holiness of our beloved Queen Margaret, and (unusually to be frank) begin to attract a following.
 As more people arrive through our emphatic sermon, we begin to pray to the new idol of Altis. Our praying resembles what one might call rolling around in a circle, but I can promise you it has much greater symbolic significance. 
 Soon there are more people than we have ever gathered in prayer before giving their affection to Queen Margaret, saviour of Altis.
 However, as always, the police are not far away in kavala and decide to intervene before the new converts pose a threat to peace. This ends the prayer to Margaret, leaving us absent of her love.

 For some, the lost faith is too much. People crowd around and police attempt to stop this poor soul from taking his life in a desperate attempt to 'relieve his family of his burden'.  Unsuccessful tries to convince him that life is worth living and that Margaret is only around the corner waiting fail.
The man decides to jump, only to surprise us by surviving the fall unharmed; he must surely be protected by our gracious Queen (or a safezone, it's not particularly clear).
 Sadly the authorities were unhappy with this development and prosecute those who instigated this disturbance (thankfully missing out the fact that myself and my compatriot were the founders). We see them here taking them away in vehicles paid for by their corrupt actions against the church of Margaret!
 We head over to the police department in order to set up a protest but soon get bored. People are not as courageous when jail is only 20 steps away.
 We return to Margaret to pray to her one last time, with our congregation faltering our last respects to this bountiful deity of Altis are given.
 Our quest continues, an attempt to leave Kavala ends in a crash (due to lag he insists), leaving my friend's truck a wheel down with only legs to take us back to civilisation.
 We return and are joined by another fellow, this time to find that the population have decided to entertain themselves. A street party with dancing ensues. The police are no where to be seen.
 Festivities are disrupted by an explosion, not an uncommon occurrence I must say. This time, a car must have collided at full speed into a wall nearby. Medics were too late to save the poor driver.
 Authorities finally arrive and arrest those involved in the street party, as traffic was severely delayed. You can see here the level of police brutality used, as a poor innocent joker was tased by an officer. This time I could not avoid capture. My friend was fined for his actions, but the officer held me captive for so long I was able to escape the bonds which prevented my freedom.

With this, I was able to mourn a poor soul who became the victim of a hit and run incident in the town centre. Margaret must not have been so merciful here. Or at least that was what I thought until he miraculously stood up, his wounds healed. Praise the one true Queen!

This marked the beautiful end of this adventure in Arma 3, a real happy ending among such chaos. Every visit to this troubled island brings a new journey, and next time I will regale you with another story! Think about trying the game which is available via Steam at the moment for £35.99, but will surely be on sale at some point for less.
Apologies that this is a few days late, I have moved into my new flat and have been having trouble with the M2TW game meaning that the Petty Kings mod showcase that was planned was not possible. Hopefully these problems will desist and I'll be writing a new article this week.

This server is my personal favourite: FTP Gaming check it out!

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